What are the top 5 most common sports injuries?

Here's a look at the five most common sports injuries, how to treat them and what you can do to prevent future injuries, Sprains. The ligaments on the outside of the ankle are relatively weak. If the ankle twists, it can cause it to stretch or tear, causing a sprain. Ankle sprains can be extremely painful, and you should see a doctor right away to rule out a fracture.

Physical therapy is often key to recovering from a sprained ankle because the right exercises can help regain flexibility and strength. The muscles in the groin are those of the inner thigh. Strain injuries to these muscles are common in sports such as baseball, soccer, and hockey, which require a lot of side-to-side movement. A new injury can occur if you return to activity too quickly after a tug in the groin, but conservative treatment of rest, ice, and heat usually treats the injury.

If a groin strain causes significant swelling, see a doctor immediately. The shoulder is the most unstable joint in the body, and while this gives you the greatest range of motion, it also makes you particularly susceptible to injury. A rotator cuff tear, which consists of four tendons that hold the shoulder joint in place, is one of the most common sports injuries. Other common shoulder injuries include sprains, strains, and dislocations.

Acute injuries are caused by direct trauma to an area, including a fall or a blow. Examples of acute injuries include strains, sprains, fractures, concussions, cuts. These injuries are usually manageable and can be treated at home. As mentioned above, the groin is a common place to strain.

An inguinal strain is commonly called an inguinal pull. When there is too much pressure on the muscles around the groin (thighs), the muscles can stretch too much or break. A tug in the groin usually occurs in sports that require a lot of running and jumping. If you pull your groin, you will notice tenderness in your groin or inside your thigh muscles, where it will be difficult to close your legs or lift your knees.

With a slight tear, you will simply feel discomfort with the weakened force. However, more severe strains in the groin can result in severe pain with loss of muscle function due to severe tearing. When muscle strains occur, sprains occur in the ligaments (the bands of rough tissue that connect bones to each other). Sprains are often the result of an uncomfortable landing after jumping, or rapid, pivoting movements that cause tearing.

When a sprain occurs, you'll likely hear a “burst” at the time of the injury and experience painful swelling accompanied by bruising in the injured area. The most common example of a sprain is an ankle sprain, in which the three ligaments on the outside of the ankle tear or stretch due to uncomfortable movement. While immediate medical help isn't always needed when a minor sprain occurs, severe sprains may require surgery to repair completely torn ligaments. A fracture is a total or partial crack in a bone, usually caused by a high-force impact in contact sports.

Fractures will most likely occur after. With a fracture, you'll notice pain and swelling right away and you may not be able to move the injured area. Our bones are designed to be able to withstand powerful impact forces, but age can be an important factor in that resilience. Children and the elderly are more susceptible to fractures because their bones are weaker than the average adult.

In this case, if you have children who play sports, make sure your organization maintains best practices for safe play during practice and on the court. Dislocations are more common in high-impact or contact sports, such as soccer, gymnastics, hockey, or basketball. After experiencing a dislocation once, you are more susceptible to re-injuring the area with even greater complications, such as muscle strains or damage to the nerves around the joint. Try to seek medical help right away to start the recovery process.

Surprisingly, you don't have to play tennis to have tennis elbow. Tennis elbow, also known as golf elbow, occurs when there is a repetitive movement in the wrist or arm that causes the tendons in the forearm to tighten from overuse. Sports such as tennis and golf require the player to use similar movements over and over while playing, which can stress the muscles and form small tears in the tendons. Tennis elbow can also happen to people who have occupations that require them to work vigorously with their hands performing repetitive tasks (such as plumbing, for example).

Fortunately, tennis elbow isn't a serious injury, but to avoid it, make sure you take breaks during your activities and keep the pace accordingly. Shin pain refers to pain in the lower legs, specifically in the shin bone (tibia), caused by inflammation. Shin cramps are more common in runners, runners, or soccer and basketball players who have to run a long time. Although mild symptoms of a concussion may go away in a day or two, continue to monitor the injured party for more problems.

More severe concussions can cause a person to lose consciousness. If you or the injured party loses consciousness for more than 30 seconds, has persistent headaches or vomiting for the next few days, seek immediate medical attention. Resting and applying ice to the area can treat minor tears. As the tear heals, your stability and strength will increase.

It is important to allow the tear to fully heal before returning to sports. A severe or more complete tear may require surgery, months of rest, and physical therapy for total healing. Rest with your leg elevated and place ice on the damaged knee to reduce swelling and increase healing. Prevent future sports injuries by performing exercises that strengthen your thigh and calf muscles to provide better knee support.

If you are following physical therapy, a medical professional may prescribe a brace or ask you to bandage your knee with adhesive tape for additional support. It's important to rest after receiving a concussion diagnosis. Your doctor can determine the severity of your condition and recommend how long you should stop playing sports. You may need to take your time to return to the same level of activity as before the concussion.

Orthopedic injuries sports injuries sports medicine sports fitness wellness. From running marathons to playing soccer, participating in sports can increase the risk of certain types of injuries. While the most common sports injuries can be treated at home, more serious injuries should be handled with care. .


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